We have a longstanding romance with the American train, a slow and poetic vision that crosses rivers, slices through mountains and connects towns, cities and […]
De-Generations of London Graffiti: A Story of 10FOOT, TOX and FUME
Right off the bat, the guy on the other end of the encrypted conversation tells me, “If I state something, it’s really just a question.” […]
ZEPHYR: Graffiti Blackbook/Scrapbook 1978 And Beyond
The beautiful part of graffiti is that it’s such an ephemeral art form; most of its greatest works only lasted days, if not hours. But […]
FifthWallTV Does a Deep-dive into Graffiti with Rafael Schacter
On the occasion of his latest book, Monumental Graffiti, Rafael Schacter sat down with our good friend Doug Gillen of FifthWallTV to talk about just that, […]
HUSKMITNAVN: A New Day @ V1 Gallery, Copenhagen
There is something so comforting about a HUSKMITNAVN show at V1 Gallery. Not that the work is comfortable, but that you know HUSKMITNAVN will paint […]
GATS Comes Out at “Midnight”
The perks and drawbacks of being a masked figure are roughly the same: nobody can know you. While this anonymity frees graffiti artists like GATS […]
After 50 Years, FUTURA 2000 is Finally “Breaking Out”
Right from the jump; it’s all here. FUTURA 2000, the Bronx, graffiti, street culture, 50 years of art history…, like there are few art forms, […]
Radio Juxtapoz, ep 141: The (Color) Theory of ACHES
Ah, its nice to have a little color talk here on the podcast. Dublin, Irelands’ ACHES is a theorist of color. He combines a multitude […]
Lee Quinoñes: In Graffiti We Trust
In spring 1974, thirteen-year-old Lee Quiñones took his schematic drawings into a tunnel and spray painted “LEE” in gold, white, and black on the small […]
Radio Juxtapoz, ep 125: Tim Conlon Knows Freight Train Graffiti
There are just certain artists who know their subject. For Tim Conlon, freight train graffiti is his muse, his subject, his love, his investigation. As […]