Mike Kuchar is a “Show Off”

François Ghebaly New York is delighted to present Show Off, iconoclastic filmmaker and visual artist Mike Kuchar’s newest exhibition at the gallery’s Lower East Side location. Since the 1960s, Mike Kuchar has been a majorly influential figure in the underground film and comics scenes. Together with his twin brother George, the Kuchars gained cult recognition first in the Bronx and then in San Francisco for their over-the-top, no-budget films that sent up Hollywood epics, weepy romances, and sci-fi B movies. In iconic films like Sins of the Fleshapoids (1965), The Craven Sluck (1967), and Death Quest of the Ju-Ju Cults (1976), Mike developed his distinctive style that jettisoned traditional narrative structure and acting professionalism in favor of extravagant, tender sagas that would have a significant impact on emerging theorizations…

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